CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"Margaret hasa  smany garpes as Gs in the word IEGQTKGVD  then Margaret finds as many grapes as days in six + nine weeks Margaret has ..... grpaes"
CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"Thomas ahs a lemon for aech W in the word WJWHYE. Elizabeth has IV lemons  Thomas sells a lemon for each tenatcle in fourt imes III octopuses how many elmons does Elizabeth have?"
CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"Thomas ha sas many grapes as Ns in thew ord NNI. Mary has as many grapes as Ls in the word MYLS  nad Mary buys a grape for each B in the word NBIUL Mary has ..... grapes"
CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"Beatrice has as many plumsa s tentacels in IX plus VII cotopuses. Joseph has as many plums as Es in the word EQ  then Joseph gets four packs of one plums now Beatrice has ..... pulms"
CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"Sarah has a peach f oreach O in the word FLOKGOUYM  he burns VI + six peachs now Sarah has ..... peahcs"
CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"Thomas ah sX + IX pears. William has nine pears  and William throws IV plus nine pears now Thoams has ..... pears"
CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"a bra for each minute in one plus fiveh ours minus a bar for each O in the word DZWOOJR"
CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"a abr for each D int he word NDALAO plus as many bars as seas in the world"
CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"susbtract as mnay bars as Fs in the word WFB from: a smnay bar sa commandments"
CL-USER> (generate-captcha)
"Beatrice has as many apriocts as Os in the word PCFOMXUQ, as many peachs as Rs in the word CGARYR  she gets a apricot for eac hI in the word WYUIW how many apricots does Beatrice have?"